
University of Abomey-Calavi  

Mathematical Physics of the Material Universe


Core curriculum credits
The core curriculum courses are scheduled according to the general annual topic among the following main credits:
Quantization Techniques; Group theory and Representation in Physics: Coherent States and Wavelets; Algebraic Geometry; Geometric and Functional Analysis Methods in Physics; Dynamical Systems; Supplements in Algebra; Basics of Topological Degree’s Theory and Applications; Quantum Mechanics; Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions;  Mathematical Statistics; Languages: English/French.

Compulsory credits
Special Topics in Geometry, Analysis and Algebra; Numerical Analysis and Computing; Quantum Theory of Fields; Representation Theory and Applications II.

Optional credits

Option A
Diffeomorphism Groups in Quantum  Physics; General Relativity and Cosmology;  Mathematical Foundation of Supersymmetry and String Theories; Renormalization Techniques, Non commutative Geometry and Gauge Field Theories.

Option B
Differential Operator Theory in Physics; Non associative Algebra and Applications in Physics; N body Problems in Physics; Statistical Mechanics; Nonlinear Systems; Modelling and Equation Analysis in Fluid Mechanics; Mathematical Statistics.

ADMISSION: Admission in this Programme is granted upon study of your application file by an international Sel e c t i o n   C o m m i t t e e .   T h e   a p p l i c a t i o n   f e e s   a m o u n t   t o   f i f t y   E u r o s   ( ¬   5 0 )   ( i .   e .   3 0   0 0 0 F   C F A ) .   T h e s e   f e e s   a r e   n o n   r e i m b u r s a b l e .   A   f e w   g r a n t s   c a n   b e   a w a r d e d   t o   e x c e l l e n t   s t u d e n t s ,   g e n e r a l l y   a f t e r   a   f i r s t   y e a r   e v a l u a t i o n   a t   t h e   C h a i r . 
R e g u l a r   s t u d e n t s   s h o u l d   p a y   for the registration and tuition fees. Contact the ICMPA Secretariat for more information

Applicants should submit:
An application form ;
An application letter ;
Certified copies of degrees / diplomas ;
A curriculum vitae ;
Two reference letters ;
Two self-addressed  envelopes bearing the applicant’s address
Application study fees.

Applications should be submitted to:

International Chair of Mathematical Physics and Applications (ICMPA-UNESCO chair), 072 B. P. 50, Cotonou, Republic of Benin
Tel.: +229-21 38 61 28/27   
Fax:  +229-21 38 61 27   
E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:cipma_secretariat@cipma.net"

Secteur(s) d’activité(s)

Recherche-développement scientifique.


  • Ingénieur d'étude ou ingénieur de recherche (météorologie, climatologie, océanographie, environnement).

  • Enseignement secondaire.

  • Expert en processus, océanographiques et littoral.



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