It is the commonly held opinion that basic sciences are really at the heart of development. They foster mother of technique and technology. Aware of that objective data and of their role, scholars from different institutions, gathered together at the 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics (COPROMAPH2), have decided to create a supranational and permanent structure to contribute to the development of Mathematical Physics and Applications. The life and activities of that structure are codified by this present statutes.
Article 1: It is founded in Republic of Benin a scholar institution endowed with legal personality and financial autonomy, named International Chair in Mathematical Physics and Applications (ICMPA).
Article 2: The founding members of the ICMPA are from the following institututions:
1. From Africa
 Université d’Abomey-Calavi (Benin) ;
 Université du Burundi (Burundi)
 Université Gaston Berger de St Louis (Senegal)
 Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (Senegal)
 Université de Yaoundé 1 (Cameroon)
 Université de Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso)
 Université de Niamey (Niger)
 University of Lesotho (Lesotho)
 Université de N’Djamena (Chad)
 Université de Lomé (Togo)
 Université Marien Ngouabi (Congo-Brazzaville)
 Zambia University (Zambia).
2. From America
 Concordia University of Montreal (Canada)
 University of New Orleans (USA)
 Center for Theoretical Studies of Physical Systems (CTSPS)
(Clark Atlanta University, USA)
 State University of New Jersey (USA)
3. From Europe
 Bialystok University (Poland)
 Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
 Université de Perpignan (France)
 Université Paris-Sud XI (France)
Article 3 : The ICMPA’s headquarter is located at Universitté d’Abomey-Calavi in Benin.
Article 4: Can be founding member of the ICMPA, any physical or moral person having taken part to the creation of the Chair during the Second International Conference on Contemporary Problems on Mathematical Physics (COPROMAPH2).
Article 5:
- Can be active member of the Chair, any physical or moral person who shares its ideals, adheres to the present statutes and to the Chair’s regulations, and who applies for it to the Executive Secretariat (ES);
- Active membership is given by the Executive Secretariat.
Article 6:
- Can be honorary member of the Chair, any physical or moral person who shares its ideals and bring his valuable contribution to its development;
- Honorary membership is given by the Executive Secretariat.
Article 7:
- Can be Junior member of the Chair, any doctorate graduate who agrees to its statutes, dedicates himself to its cause and applies in written form;
- Junior membership is given by the Executive Secretariat.
Article 8:
- Can be associate member of the Chair, any physical or moral person who dedicates himself to its cause and works in connected fields;
- Associate membership is confered by the Executive Secretariat.
Article 9: A person loses his membership in the following conditions:
- In case of non-payment of its financial contribution according to the provisions of the Chair’s regulations;
- In case he resignes;
- In case of serious misdeed aknowledged by the ES and liable to harm the Chair’s life.
Article 10: The objectives of the ICMPA are defined as follows:
- To work out and spread the knowledge and the know-how in Mathematical Physics and Applications;
- To promote young people and women in the area of Mathematical Physics and Applications;
- To look for active partnership between the Chair and others companies and industries for concrete applications of Mathematical Physics to problems of development.
Those objectives, in the considered field, go through:
- Boosting research;
- Periodic reports on the main results;
- The promotion of young researchers;
- Researchers periodical meetings in order to exchange experiences and to break the isolation of young African researchers.
Article 11: ICMPA’s activities derive from the precited objectives and mainly include:
- The organization every two years of the International Conference on Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics (COPROMAPH);
- The organization of specialised schools;
- The allocation of excellency scholarships;
- The defense of excellency thesis to the credit of the Chair;
- The developement and spreading of annual scientific reports on the publications and other research activities of the Chair’s members;
- Etc.
Article 12: The ES’s annual scientific report include the following columns:
- The comprehensive list of publications (author, title, pages, year) and other research activities of the Chair’s members;
- The financial report;
- The calender of the coming year’s activities;
- The comprehensive and updated list of the Chair’s members (nouns, institutions belonged to, countries).
Article 13:
- The scientific report is distributed free of charge to all physical or moral persons sponsoring the Chair;
- The scientific report is sold to common members and institutions, but is available on the Chair’s website.
Article 14: The functionning organs of the International Chair in Mathematical Physics and Applications are:
- The Executive Secretariat (ES);
- The Scientific Committee (SC);
- The General Assembly (GA);
- The Administrative and Financial Secretariat.
Chapter I: The Executive Secretariat
Article 15:
- The executive and leading body of the ICMPA is the Executive Secretariat (ES)
- It is composed of a President, Vice-Presidents and a Chief Treasurer.
Article 16: The members of the Executive Secretariat are elected by the Scientific Council.
Article 17: The members of the Executive Secretariat are appointed by a decree from the Benenese Minister in charge of Higher Education and Scientific Research on the basis of the election’s minutes.
Article 18: The role of the ES is to:
- Work out and execute the Chair’s budget;
- Develop the Chair’s scientific program project;
- Carry out the Chair’s program adopted by the Scientific Council;
- Implement actions to effectively meet the Chair’s objectives;
- Look for financial sources for the ICMPA’s activities;
- Promote the ICMPA;
- Implement the Chair’s strategic plan.
Article 19:
- The Presidency of the ICMPA’s Executive Secretariat is assured by Benin;
- The President holds the Chair;
- The President is assisted by a Principal Private Pecretary (PPS) and by an Administrative and Financial Secretariat (AFS).
Article 20: The Administrative and Financial Secretariat is composed of:
- A Head of the Administrative Secretariat;
- A Coordinator of the Communication section;
- A Responsible for foreign affairs management;
- An Accountant;
- A Secretary.
Article 21: The ES is assisted in its task by two advisory organs:
- A committee of Junior members, and
- A committee for the promotion of women members.
Article 22:
- The Junior members’ committee of the Chair is responsible for the selection and the promotion of Junior members.
- It is composed of a person in charge and two coordinators.
Article 23:
- The committee for women promotion is responsible for the promotion of the Chair’s women members.
- It is composed of 3 members including 2 women.
Article 24: The functioning of the bodies referred to in articles 21, 22 and 23 is governed by the Chair’s regulations.
Chapter II: The Scientific Council (SC)
Article 25: The Scientific Council is composed of scientific persons, internationally renowned who are selected for their human quality, their open-mindedness and their competence in the area of Mathematical Physics and Applications.
Article 26: The Scientific Council attends to:
- Assure the international scientific radiation of the Chair;
- Approve of the Chair’s scientific program that is worked out by the ES;
- Judge the scientific quality of articles to be published in COPROMAPH proceedings;
- Assure the regular spreading of a reference paper for the scientific publications in the area of Mathematical Physics;
- Elect the ES.
Article 27: The members of the SC are appointed by a decree of the benenese Minister in charge of Higher Education and Scientific Research, on proposal of the Chair’s President.
Chapter III: The General Assembly
Article 28: The GA gathers together, every two years, the Chair’s members attending the International Conference on Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics (COPROMAPH).
Article 29: The GA is conducted by the President or in case of impediment by one of the Vice-President.
Article 30: The role of the GA is to:
- Assess the just completed COPROMAPH;
- Appreciate the ES’s activities report;
- Make recommendations to the ES, in order to direct its activities;
- Make propositions to the ES for the amendment of ICMPA’s basic texts.
Article 31: Every 5 years a strategic plan for the Chair’s development is elaborated.
Article 32: The development of a new strategic plan is preceded by the audit of the Chair’s activities.
Article 33: The Chair’s President, on recommendation of the ES, calls on experts, according to the procedures in force, to audit the Chair during the last year of implementation of the current strategic plan.
Article 34:
- The Chair is led by its President who is in charge of coordinating and supervising its activities;
- He is the person authorized to pass accounts for the Chair;
- He is the guarantor of the Chair’s good functioning.
Article 35: The Principal Private Secretary and the AFS members are appointed by a rectoral decree at the suggestion of the Chair’s President.
Article 36: The Principal Private Secretary and members of the ASF, as civil servants, are grated bonuses and allowances.
Article 37: Members who are not civil servants are remunerated on the basis of a contact the terms of which are defined by the Chair’s regulations.
Article 38:
- The Head of the Administrative Secretariat deals with the mail and is in charge of administrative, staff and archives management.
- He attends to the secretariat and draws up the minutes of the Chair’s meetings.
Article 39: The Accountant is responsible for the daily management of finances and equipment.
Article 40: The ICMPA’s activities are financed by members’ subscriptions, donations, sponsoring, subsidies, bequests, etc.
Article 41:
- Because of its international status, the ICMPA enjoys financial and administrative autonomy.
- Its management is submitted to norms in force as regards public funds control.
Article 42:
- The ICMPA’s funds are deposited on bank accounts in Benin and elsewhere if need be.
- For any funds withdrawal, the signatures of the President and that of the Chief Treasurer are necessary.
- Vice-Presidents must be informed of funds withdrawal within a week at most, and vouchers must be put at their disposal.
Article 43 : Any deed in opposition to the spirit of the ICMPA, obvious mismanagement, etc. can be retained against ICMPA members and the connected staff. Those deeds and facts can be subject to prosecution against those involved.
Article 44: In case of serious mischief committed by one of its member:
- The ES suspends the person at fault;
- It provides for his temporary replacement in case of need, and
- It prepares a file for the SC.
Article 45: In case of dissolution, the ICMPA’s belongings are bequeathed to an organisation having similar objectives.
Article 46: The present statutes come into force starting from november 2nd, 2001, date of the creation of the Chair.