October 28 - November 2, 2001


on the creation of
an International Chair
in Mathematical Physics and Applications 
at Abomey-Calavi University.

1. Given the efforts made by the authorities of Abomey-Calavi University in general, and by the Benin Institute of Mathematics and Physical Sciences in particular in order to foster the scientific and inter-university collaboration between the researchers and the universities of the sub-region and of the world;

2. Given the necessity for Africa not to stand out of Mathematical Physics development in the world;

3. Given the necessity of creating a permanent framework for the exchanges of the research works, fostering the cooperation and promoting the excellence in the Southern Universities;

4. Given the necessity of encouraging the young generation of Mathematical Physics practitioners to be competitive at the international level and proposing quality contributions to the technological development in Africa and elsewhere;

5. Given that the First International Workshop on Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics (COPROMAPH1), held in Cotonou from October 31 to November 5, 1999 has been a tremendous success;

6. Given that the Second International Workshop on Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics (COPROMAPH2) has effectively been held in Cotonou in conformity with the initial planning and has been a resounding success;

7. Given the firm intention of the Scientific Council and local and international Organizing Committees to perpetuate COPROMAPH conferences;

8. Given the firm intention of the officials of the University of Abomey-Calavi and of the Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research to financially and materially sustain the creation of an International Chair in accordance with the request of the COPROMAPH2 Scientific Committee;

We the participants to the Second International Workshop on Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics (COPROMAPH2) have resolved to:

1. Agree on the idea of creating an International Chair in Mathematical Physics and Applications at the University of Abomey-Calavi;

2. Agree on the composition for the Chair Presidency as follows:

⦁ Professor Mahouton Norbert HOUNKONNOU (Benin): President
⦁ Professor Alfred Z. MSEZANE (U.S.A.) : Vice-President
⦁ Professor S. Twareque ALI (Canada) : Vice-President
⦁ Professor Tudor RATIU (Suisse) : Vice-President
⦁ Professor Anatole ODZIJEWICZ (Pologne) : Vice-President
⦁ Professor Xavier CHAPUISAT (France): Vice-President
⦁ Professor Jean-Pierre ANTOINE (Belgique) : Vice-President
⦁ Professor Mary Tew NIANE (Sénégal) : Vice-President

3. Define the objectives of the Chair as follows:
i. The working-out and the dissemination of the knowledge and the know-how in Mathematical Physics and Applications;
ii. The promotion of young people and women in the field of Mathematical Physics and Applications;
iii. The research of an active partnership between the Chair and public institutions and industries for concrete applications of Mathematical Physics to development problems;

4. Recommend to the current Executive Secretary of the COPROMAPH to take necessary steps for the effective creation of the said Chair and to elaborate the Status and Internal Regulations in conformity with the existing academic and administrative standards;

5. Invite the Vice Chancellor of the University of Abomey-Calavi to provide the Chair with necessary structures and installations for its functioning;

6. Invite his Excellency the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to officially appoint the members of the Chair Scientific Council as they are proposed by the President of the Chair;

7. Welcome the initiative of the pioneering members of the Executive Secretary that has led today to the birth of the young Chair.

Cotonou, November 2nd, 2001

The participants to the COPROMAPH2